Monday, October 20, 2014

We've got an app for that!

Are you like me, constantly trying to catch up with the rapidly moving technology?  It isn't easy to know what is useful, and what is just for fun, and what is nothing but a waste of time.  Well, we now have an app that I'm happy to recommend to you. It is a property search app that is easy to use, and is particular to our area.  You can download the app here:


Or you can use this one:

Or use your phone and click here:

      Enter this code: 3309

Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Hey! It's Too Hot!!!

  The sun is shining and the skies are blue in Mason County WA today, and most of us are hiding inside.  Our office at Shelton Land & Homes, LLC has air conditioning! 

My poor yard is not happy, but at least I can water my most needy plants in the evening.  But this is a good time for you to go driving around and looking at our waterfront properties.  We have a couple of exciting listings along Hammersley Inlet coming up soon and I hear that they will have tidelands included.

Right now I am in the midst of selling a waterfront property on Pickering Passage, and it is due to close soon.  But there is a lot of waterfront in Mason County, and when it gets hot like this, how wonderful it is to be living one of our many lakes, on the Sound, or on Hood Canal.  Go HERE to search for waterfront properties, and I would be happy to help you purchase a property.  The link will take you to my brother John's "Quick and Easy Search" page, and waterfront is on the top.  Then get back to me. 

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

What a wonderful time of year

The weather has been beautiful this month.  We've had several sunny days with blue skies, and those pretty white clouds.  It is a great time to come to Mason County and look at property to buy.  For example, are you looking for something on Waterfront?  We have listings right now in our office that are worth a look.  Come on into Shelton Land & Homes, LLC and find out more! 

 On Benson Loop Road, overlooking Pickering Passage
 On Lost Lake

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Salt Waterfront with Cabin

Don't you just love it, if you are a real estate professional, when you get a listing that gets a lot of attention?  I've got one of those now.  (NWMLS# 588982)  It is cabin located on the sound, across from Harstene Island.  Here is a picture of the view:

The reason this one is getting lots of attention is that the sellers have it priced at $249,900, and are offering a commission of 7%.  It also helps that this is a low bank waterfront property.  Those high bank properties are not much fun.  While the Tidelands are not included, because they make too much money for the present owners, a new owner could still harvest clams and oysters from the beach close at hand.  I think I would enjoy watching all the activity in the Sound, as ships and boats go by.  The cabin is not much too look at from the outside, but is quite nice inside.  It is a one bedroom.  The living area is open to the kitchen.  What surprised me were the cabinets as I went in the entry door at the back of the cabin.  Lots of cabinets!  And a laundry area.  Here are some more pictures:

Friday, January 24, 2014

Grapefruit sale again!

If you got your grapefruit last year, you know how good it is!  
(Delicious Texas Ruby Red)
20# box - $20.00
Orders will be taken until
January 25, 2013
Grapefruit will arrive week of
                 FEBRUARY 10, 2014                 
To place an order, sign below or contact
John Borgert

Since the 1930s people have been eating grapefruit to slim down, but grapefruit is not just a diet fruit.  It is a delicious way to get lots of revitalizing nutrients and fiber.  And these grapefruit are truly delicious, as those who have ordered them in past years can affirm. 
Order your box today!