Tuesday, April 28, 2015

News about Simpson Lumber Company

The rumors are true.  Simpson Lumber Company, a mainstay of employment for our area for the last 125 years, is selling off two mills to Sierra Pacific Industries.  This company does not plan to operate the mills, but is closing them down. They do plan to construct a new state-of-the-art sawmill on our waterfront. Mill operations will be coming to a close over the next two months. The new sawmill will not open until sometime in 2017. 

Naturally this change makes all of us nervous as good employment opportunities are important to our region.

Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Mason County Transit

The Mason County Transit Authority announced some good news for our County.  They have been given a grant of $80,000 from the Peninsula Regional Transportation Planning Organization, through the Federal Highway and Federal Transportation Administrations. We already have one of the best transportation systems around, but this grant is going to make things even better.  Find out more about it HERE

Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Check out the great searches

The designated broker in our Shelton Land & Homes, LLC office has given his website a new look, and made it even better when it comes to searching for property.  Go to the website and then click on the "properties" button HERE.  You can search for several properties with one click of your mouse.  My favorite is the "Search for Lake Waterfront" link.  I love looking at all the beautiful homes that are for sale on Mason County lakes. 

The Quick and Easy Search is still on the website, too.  On that web page you can also do fast searches with just one click of the mouse button.  Go check it out!